Tuesday 24 March 2009

Cerney goats cheese glazed with Setley Ridge red wine, honey sponge, candied pine nuts

Here is my cheese course from this weeks du jour menu. On the right is the goats cheese, which is creamed with greek yoghurt and candied pine nuts and set with gelatin. The red wine is slightly sweetened and glazed over the top. On the left is the honey sponge. For this i took 250g honey and 50g cider vinegar. Mixed it together and put 200g of the mix into the freezer and got it as cold as possible. With the rest i melted 3 gelatin leaves into and then combined the cold and the hot together in a small hobart and whisk on high speed for about 25 mins. Then it is piped into demi sphere moulds, and placed into the freezer. Once firm after being in the freezer over night. I scooped out a little from the inside and filled with honey. Putting two together to form a ball. Next it is rolled in grated pine nuts.
The Cerney is quite citric so the honey really numbs that down. I really like the flavours here.

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